LAMP stack
The Linux Apache MySQL Php stack powers a large chunk of the internet, with WordPress being the most well known application that uses this technology. It is all opensource and hence subject to review and refinement by the open source community.
Linux is the operating system which the vast majority of websites and internet based applications use. If you never want to worry about viruses again, and want to rejuvenate an old machine, you can try the most popular desktop Linux distribution Ubuntu.
Apache is the webserver of choice for most Linux servers, and is part of the many Apache foundation projects
MySQL is the database of choice for all but the largest of applications and is supported by Oracle. We regularly process data with millions of records without any need for fine tuning.
PHP is the scripting engine of choice for websites and web applications. WordPress and Facebook are written in PHP.
Most Internet Service Providers(ISP’s) unsurprisingly offer the LAMP stack as a basic hosting platform, and you can host even sophisticated applications on very cheap monthky packages. This is one of the key reasons why Seriti Software has dedicated itself exclusively to the LAMP stack.
Currently we host all our clients websites and applications using our dedicated servers leased from Hetzner South Africa. We offer server locations in Johannesburg, CapeTown or Germany.