Contact management

The contact manager module allows you to manage all your important contacts in one place and to communicate with them efficiently via email. Go back to module list.

The following functionality is supported

  • Unlimited contacts can be managed, however any spamming with be ruthlessly dealt with.
  • Create as many user groups as you want and easily link contacts to them. A user can belong to multiple groups.
  • Create multiple html message templates with inline images if you need them.
  • Create messages using these templates and add them to email process queue for all users in a group. You can queue the same message for multiple groups and no user will receive the same message twice.
  • All templates and messages can have placeholders for contact details and user specific functions like {NAME}, {SURNAME}, {EMAIL}, {UNSUBSCRIBE_LINK} . When the message is sent the individual contacts details are inserted.
  • Import your existing contacts from a csv file using Google, MSoutlook, or Seriti standard CSV format.
  • Process email message queue only when you are ready, and view message statistics afer processing.

This will cater for most of the communication requirements of a small business or personal use application. If your primary business is messaging large numbers(more than 1000) of people on an ongoing basis for mass marketing or promotional purposes then please look elsewhere.